Friday, July 23, 2004


It's almost the weekend, which, while normally exciting, is a little daunting this week for several reasons:

1) Neil is leaving for the Democratic Convention in Boston and I will be:
a) lonely
b) worried about him with the looming terrorism threats
c) lonely

2) I have a million errands to run and not a lot of money to complete the errands.

3) I have a ton of work to do at work and wish I could finish it before the weekend, but it
doesn't look likely...

That said, I AM hanging out with my brother on Saturday and I'm looking forward to that. No clue what we'll do, but I'm sure we'll find something fun.

Today was staff appreciation day at work. This day consists of each staff member recieving his or her favorite Starbuck's drink this morning, lunch from a good sandwich shop which is being delivered and ... BOWLING. Yup, from 2-5 we went bowling... it was fun, but the last thing I was excited about doing on a sunny summer afternoon is going to a dark, smoky bowling alley and putting my feet into those stinky shoes and my fingers into those dirty holes on the bowling ball... But we did have fun and in the end, i felt appreciated...

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