Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Meth Lab

I am convinced that there is a meth lab in my neighborhood. Nobody I tell this to believes me for a second, but I am absolutely convinced. For some time, I have been noticing a strange and repulsive smell in my backyard at night when I take the dogs out. It's not every night and it's only there fairly late at night. It completely penetrates the air and is untracable... as in, it's not coming from any direction in particular...it's just hanging there. I have been wondering and wondering what the smell was coming from and then last week I saw a news story on TV that began like this, "Neighbors in the blah blah neighborhood finally know what was making their neighborhood stink... Authorities busted a meth lab there this afternoon." This is when the light bulb went on. "Ah hah!" I said. "It's meth I've been smelling. Someone in my neighborhood is cooking meth at night."

I mentioned the bad smell to a neighbor over the wall the other day and he became very suspicious himself...I just said that there was this bad smell in the yard at night and did he have any idea what it was and he sort of gasped and said, "Do you think it's a meth lab?" right off the bat in a nervous manner... Now that everyone is suspect, I will have to stop discussing my theory with neighbors.

Yes, I might be insane and there could very well be another explanation. Perhaps we will never find out if there is a meth lab nearby.. or maybe we won't know until whatever house it is in blows up. I am definitly more than a little creeped out -- even if it's only a crazy theory I've cooked up... it seems very possible. Who knows what's lurking behind the walls in my little suburban neighborhood where everyone has matching houses and matching front yards and it's just a little too neat and clean for everything to be on the up and up...

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