Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Jell-O Pudding Pops

Oooh, it's February. Neil and I have been married for two years and five months as of yesterday. And today, that little groundhog popped out of his hole and saw his shadow. But perhaps most importantly, today is the day that I typed "Jell-O Pudding Pop" into Google and learned that my beloved popsicles are being made again!!!! In fact, I can buy them right here in my own city at any Albertson's.

This may seem trivial, insignificant and even ridiculous... but this is a BIG deal. My whole childhood, I got to eat a pudding pop every time I went to my grandma and grandpa's house. My grandpa would buy them two or three boxes at a time and their freezer was always full of them. I used to watch Bill Cosby on TV in his bad sweaters surrounded by little kids as he peddled the popsicles and I felt very cool, because I was in on the Jell-O Pudding Pop craze's gound floor. I had been eating them from the beginning.

In 1996, I went to college and my grandpa died that fall. I miss him all the time. A couple of years ago, I thought about Jell-O Pudding Pops. I don't know how I had forgotten about them, or when I ate my last one. Somehow they just disappeared from my life without me noticing. But when I remembered them, I went searching, thinking that eating one might bring my Grandpa back for a minute or two. No luck, they had gone out of production.

But, apparently, other people were craving a pudding pop too and they have been brought back! So, in honor of my grandpa, and my years-long craving, I am going to get to an Albertson's ASAP and get myself a box of frozen pudding-ey goodness.

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