Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tuesdays Can Feel Like Mondays

Today was Tuesday, but it really felt like Monday. It's probably because: a) I didn't have any coffee until lunch and I am, sadly, addicted to caffeine. b) Yesterday was a holiday and even though I went to work, it didn't feel like a real work day. c) I had a foggy head because of allergies. In any case, today was Tuesday but really had the markings of a classic Monday, the dogs getting out of their part of the house and wreaking havoc, my favorite pj pants ripping because they got too thin from all the times I have worn them, a bunch of excessively large bills arriving in the mail ...need I go on?

In other news.. I can't believe the whole Paris Hilton Cell Phone Scandal. More reasons to like her: She is soooo entertaining -- even when she's not trying to be. But really, what kind of crazy lunatic puts topless photos of herself on her cell camera??? I am done trying to defend her intelligence. She might just not have any.

I listened to a really amazing book this week. (yes, listened... not read) Neil checked it out from the library to keep him entertained while commuting to the legislature during the two-month session. He liked it, so I decided to listen to it. I seriously couldn't get out of my car when I got to work each morning. Finally I decided to take the CD's in the house and sit on the couch and listen. It was interesting to be just listening instead of staring at a TV or computer screen...Therapeutic maybe. Anyways, I recommend The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, it was so much better than I could have imagined after hearing people talk about is ad nauseam when I worked at Barnes and Noble in 2002.

I feel like, in my personal and creative life, I am finally getting back to a creative place and it feels so good. It's been a long winter. I realize it's not over yet, but the seasonal Dairy Queen has re-opened and that's a really good sign that things are changing.

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