Thursday, February 03, 2005

Three Cheers for Booing

The State of the Union last night made me want to vomit. The problem with George W. is that he has speech writers who help him sound smart and sound like you should agree with him, when, if you know anything about anything, you know that he's full of crap.

I couldn't believe that he mentioned his "Clear Skies" initiative and said how much it would help when there has been so much published about how it will actually weaken regulations protecting our environment. And I was really pissed when he had that nice Iraqi voter there to tug on my heart strings. I am glad she got to vote and that she has blue ink on her finger, but I do not think it was my country's job to make it so she could vote nor do I appreciate being manipulated like that.

I am so happy that the Democrats booed W. while he spoke about Social Security and his view that it is doomed for bankruptcy. (I have to admit that the booing took place during a 20-minute hiatus during which I turned the TV off in disgust until Neil came home and made me turn it on again.) I am sorry that I missed the booing...apparently it was the first time in modern history that such displeasure was expressed during a president's State of the Union address... normally, they all just clap like puppets until it's over.

I am really trying not to, but it's very very tempting to tune out politics all together right now. It's all so disheartening. I have to remember that it's important to know my enemy and I need to stay engaged, even if it seems hopeless...

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