Wednesday, November 24, 2004

That Fat Time of Year

Why is it that at the holidays, the one time of year when I see old friends and lots of family, I am always the fattest? It doesn't seem to matter how well I try to eat or how much I exercise. As soon as it begins to get chilly outside, the fat just piles onto my body and by the time Christmas Eve rolls around, I am plump.

I don't mean to say that I'm fat. I know that I'm not. But, I go between two or three pants sizes each year and I am at the top end right now and some are beginning to feel snug. This is not good. Something must be done. But what? Extreme liquid diet? Psychotic workout regime? Or maybe exactly what I am already doing, but I have to keep doing it for three or four more weeks to see any results whatsoever.

The worst thing about weight gain: You can eat like a lunatic and gain five pounds in a long weekend and then it takes a month of good eating and exercise to get rid of them.

Anyways, I am going to roll myself to my parents' house tomorrow morning to begin cooking the feast...And after that, it's back to protein shakes and fresh fruit. Wish me luck.

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