Thursday, March 04, 2004


Today is a soggy day. I woke up this morning to audible rain drops on the roof. In case that doesn't seem shocking, it is a true rarity in New Mexico, especially since we are not in monsoon season. Normal rain here is more like an old man spitting on you and less like a shower from the heavens. Also, normally, rain sticks around for an hour max and then the sun comes out. Not the case with today's storm... or many storms lately. Anyway, waking up to the rain next to Neil was nice, but I just got that industrious stay-at-home feeling, like I wanted to cuddle for a while, make breakfast together, pay some bills and read, hang out with the bunny etc. Instead, I got up, made a Carnation Instant Breakfast (oh, the healthiness of my diet), hugged Neil, scratched Boo Boo's head and got in the car to drive through the onslaught of pebble-sized raindrops.

Now it's lunch time and I'm at work and I just finished my cup of Jasmine Green Tea With Flowers that I got in New Orleans and am now addicted to. I feel a little melancholy. I know it is because it's cloudy and my brain is conditioned for sunshine, but it's still not the most fun to feel sad for no truly justifiable reason. But, my mp3 of Toxic just came on (iTunes plays all my songs randomly for me all day.). I read a laughable review of Ms. Britney's new tour in the New York Times today. It's the Onyx Hotel Tour... or something like that. It is sort of disheartening to learn that she didn't actually sing any of the songs in the show.. but oh well, she's still pretty and she can dance and we all knew she couldn't sing already.


Yesterday, I signed up as a Kerry supporter. I hesitated, though. And the hesitation wasn't because I didn't want to support him as much as it was because I worried that my signing on to his campaign could be equivalent to the kiss of death since the last two candidates I signed up to support didn't fare so well. But then I decided to take my chances and I requested my two free bumper stickers and listed myself as a supporter. I also have a button that Neil collected from one of Kerry's NM campaign stops. I am not going to attach it to anything yet, but I imagine I'll get there eventually.

In the meantime, Bush has launched his campaign with some advertisements. I have only read descriptions. They weren't airing them on the NM WB during Angel last night, nor were they on NBC during Access Hollywood and so, I have not yet seen them. In fact, I think they are still targeted to certain states... but I am not sure about that. It seems like a man with nearly unlimited funds would just hit the whole country with his ads at once...

Maureen Dowd has a kick-ass column today about the advertisements that had me giggle out loud at my desk. (an aside: If only I could end up with Maureen's job and wit.)


Tomorrow evening Neil and I are off on another airplane... This time to visit Dustin in Chico. I am really excited to see my little brother at college. And to see Neil's sister and for us to all four hang out. If only I could finish everything I need to before leaving. I have all these loose ends floating around and my desk is terrific evidence of that... way too many stacks piled up and that means it's time to get to work -- no lunch today...