Thursday, February 12, 2004


I have been meaning to update all week. I even thought of a few good blogging entries last weekend and was saving them for Monday. And yet, it is now somehow Thursday and I am finally getting around to posting. Where did the week go?


Right now I am watching snow flutter down outside and melt on the pavement. There are a few little piles of snow clinging to the dirt that covers the construction site across the street. I wish it would stick. I am longing for the snow banks of Chicago winters that don't melt for weeks. I miss the little footpaths on the sidewalks that only accommodate single-file one-way traffic. Yes, I am completely insane. But, there is something so wonderful about being almost literally snowed in and drinking hot chocolate while wearing all your warmest clothes and gazing out the window at the snow falling.


Last weekend I finally saw Lost In Translation. I had heard so many people talk about how it is a dark movie and is not funny so I was really dreading seeing it at all. But my parents bought the DVD and we watched it on their REALLY BIG television and I absolutely love Lost in Translation. It is right up there with my all-time favorite movies. Why? I love its simplicity. I am fascinated with what it implies about our ability to adapt in foreign places and, less literally, unfamiliar situations. I think the movie was full of hope and I have always been interested in those life-affirming and life-changing relationships that are fleeting and based on place and circumstance. It is definitely deserving of all the hype.

Boo Boo

My bunny is sick again. She won't eat. Neil and I chased her around last night for an hour trying to get her to drink some pineapple juice from an oral syringe. (apparently, if you can get the animal to ingest the juice, it helps break up anything blocking their digestive track.)

So I didn't sleep very well last night because I was worried about her. This morning I got up and called a bunch of vets and got her an appointment at 9. Neil took her. Now we have some medicine that we have to get her to eat. She's apparently bloated and might not be eating because she feels full even though she's probably not full of food, just gas. Rabbits can not get rid of gas unless it's pushed out by food. (fascinating fun fact of the day from this great website)

All of these dramatics over our little bunny have made me think about attachment. I am very attached to Boo Boo. It didn't happen all at once. For a long time, we were completely fed up with her and wanted to give her away. I nearly took her to the Humane Society on several occasions like when she chewed through my keyboard cord about four hours before a big deadline or moved her litter box and peed on the carpet underneath it for the gazillionth time and I was convinced she was doing it to piss me off. But after 2.5 years of having her around, I can't imagine life without her. My house would seem so empty. It would be so sad. I realize this is all just basic human nature, but it's interesting that I cannot rationalize this attachment away. I can tell myself that she's just a little animal who will only live for four to six years anyway and she's not a human etc. etc. But I have a relationship with her and she knows me and I like to think she loves me, so that attachment I feel is not going away. I just hope she feels better and starts eating soon so I can start sleeping again.


Is very frustrating at the moment. I have to get back to it.