Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Breaking News

This morning, I got one of my CNN e-mail updates for breaking news. I opened it up to read: "President Bush Says He Backs Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage." I think my jaw dropped a little bit and my stomach definitely did a flip flop... not the happy flip flop of a roller coaster ride or falling in love, the feeling one gets when they get very bad news... the sick to your stomach flip flop.

If I didn't already know that Bush was a psycho, this is the proof. He is completely evil.

I saw Gavin Newsome being interviewed by Wolff Blitzer this weekend and he is so awesome. He's trying to create systemic change and gain equality for all Americans and I think it's awesome. Newsome is so well-spoken and brave. What he did in San Francisco is amazing. I have seen several stories about couples who were married in San Francisco in the past couple of weeks and each time I am deeply moved. One NPR story actually made me cry. I only hope that Newsome's campaign/quest doesn't make Bush and his buddies go too far in the opposite direction. Some are saying that Newsome will be responsible if a constitutional amendment is passed. I'm not so sure. I tend to think they would have done it anyways. I really hope that someone stops our maniac president before he does this. If people were looking at marriage and seeing it for what it really is, same-sex marriage wouldn't be an issue at all. Marriage is about commitment to the person you love. It's so simple. It's not about procreation. It's not about god. It's not about society. It is about forming a bond for a lifetime. We should all be able to do that with whomever we choose.


On Saturday, we finally went skiing. I did not have any injured body parts and Neil did not have to work and we actually made it to the mountain and got to ski. It was great. I was happy to learn that I still know how to ski and I'm still pretty good at it. Now I want to go every weekend until the season is over, but I'll have to wait to get promoted a few times if I want to do that.

There is something so freeing about strapping big boards to my feet and flying down the mountain. My body remembers the turns and twists it has to make and it's like I'm dancing...


I have always thought of myself as adventurous. I love adventures. I like to live new places, travel, try new things, eat exotic foods, meet new people, listen to new music, take in new and varied art and theatre. I like to push myself to the limit whether it be in athletics or travel or culinary exploration.

In a recent conversation, a good friend of mine stated that he doesn't think I'm adventurous. Actually, it was more of a sarcastic statement that led me to believe he thinks I'm unadventurous. I said something about being adventurous and he said, "Yeah, that's sure the first thing I think of when I think of you." (in a sarcastic tone). So, I know he didn't mean it, but I was so hurt by this. Now I am left to wonder if everyone thinks I lack adventure. Do I seem boring to all my friends? Am I deluding myself into thinking that I have and adventurous spirit?

I hate it when people unintentionally leave me doubting myself. It is an infrequent and unpleasant feeling.

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