Friday, February 20, 2004

The Glory of Speakers

I just want to say that after about nine months of having no speakers on my computer at work, I am THRILLED to have working speakers. I celebrated them by listening to all the cheesy forwarded e-mails people have sent me recently. That was not so enjoyable. But then I found some Howard Dean scream remixes....wonderful. And yesterday, Britten sent me a link to the most hilarious website about William Hung -- American Idol reject extrordinare. I somehow have managed to miss all but one episode of American Idol this time around, but Mr. Hung has made me really regret that fact.
However, I think that I disagree with him suddenly becoming more famous than I am just because he can't sing. I can't sing! Why am I not famous? On the other hand, his fame is the kind where everybody is just laughing at him (everyone except for all the women writing into the website who want to marry him.). I would rather be famous and have everyone be awed by me.. or something. Laughter = good but not when it's at me.


O.K. I know this is sooo 1996, but I got an e-mail from the Dave Matthews Band fan club yesterday (yes, you can assume that since I got an e-mail from the fan club I am a member of the fan club.) Anyway, the e-mail was a list of concerts this summer and they're coming here!!! This is very exciting because my fan club membership will allow me to get really good seats and because the date is on a day when I am not obligated to attend any weddings! (a rarity this coming summer)


I am so very excited that the weekend is beginning right now. Tomorrow, we are actually going skiing provided I don't suffer any bodily harm between now and 9:30 tomorrow morning. Tonight it is cloudy and cold and I am going to go home and curl up with Neil and some hot chocolate. In fact, maybe I'll leave a little early...