Monday, May 02, 2005

Pink Dress

Ever since my bridesmaids wore pretty pink dresses to my wedding, I have been wanting a kick-ass pink dress. Not just any pink dress mind you, it needed to be a just-right super-flattering I-picked-it-out-myself pink dress. Last summer, I got to pick a dress for Jenn's wedding and out of the two colors, I chose pink and the dress was very cute, but it wasn't the dress that I was fixated on -- you know, the made up one in my head. I found the dress yesterday after a failed attempt to purchase a couple on e-bay. Neil and I went to the mall and there it was. Not only was it really pretty, but it also fit me in two sizes smaller than I thought I would wear. Can't get much better than that right?

Now I am fixated on finding shoes to match (I have no idea what color would go well) and wearing it! I think it might even be a tad too formal for some of the events I plan to wear it to this summer, but I am not sure I mind. I am just over-the-top excited to wear my new dress.

All of this dress excitement is welcome at the moment as it is helping to distract me from: a) the cold and cloudy weather b) the mountain of work at work c) the fact that I need to start looking for a job in D.C. d) the fact that my family is seriously lacking functionality.

Thank you pink dress...

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