Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Fascinating Spam

I got some really interesting spam today in my work e-mail. It's from someone named Neateye and the subject line says "Gouranga". Inside, the message reads:

Call out Gouranga be happy!!!
Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga ....
That which brings the highest happiness!!

This seems to me a fairly harmless piece of spam. It is not filled with expletives or sexual references (as far as I can tell). Also, a big bonus, it doesn't have a virus attached to it. And, what the heck, it's telling me to be happy.

So, I looked it up and apparently, Gouranga is a word of great significance to the Hare Krishnas. So, the spam was religious spam. But, it was still more pleasant than the ads for penis pumps.

Apparently, there is a Gouranga problem in Europe...and that's pretty funny to me. Funny for a few reasons... one, it's sort of like the Jesus graffiti/bumper stickers/clothing etc. you find all over the U.S. -- you know, people using their freedom of religion but also cramming their religion down my throat...and two the Gouranga thing is sort of bringing people together across the world -- in a weird way. We're all getting these e-mails, or seeing the signs and wondering what the heck that weird word means. Here's a good explanation.

In any case, I will take a cheerful religious spam any day over the more disgusting spam I normally receive. And now, I know one more thing about the world, so thanks Hare Krishna spammers for providing a distraction this afternoon.

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