Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Confession (tee hee)

I, the intellectual snob with a degree in journalism and a graduate degree in writing, am completely addicted to one of the trashiest magazines around which is, coincidentally, written for readers at a sixth grade level. I buy this magazine every week at the grocery store and read it cover to cover. I do not always even read more than one article when my New Yorker arrives. (Please note, it takes the same amount of time to read one New Yorker article as it does for me to read the entire trashy magazine.) I buy the trashy magazine at the grocery store because I was hoping my addiction would go away and because I did not want my name on the subscriber list. BUT, last week I caved and signed myself up for not one, but two years of the wonderfulness that is US Weekly. (Please don't tell anyone -- I am addicted to celebrity gossip.)

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