Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Big Enchilada

Earlier this week, I got an e-mail from my friend Hervey telling me that his daughter and son-in-law just had their third and final child and that she was born early and was really big -- 13lbs 12 oz. The e-mail came with a photo of the newborn on the scale and a funny word document showing all three babies and their birth weights and nicknames. Baby number one was named the Whopper because she weighed 11 pounds 8 ounces and baby number 2 was Whopper Jr. because she only weighed 10 pounds 8 ounces. The final baby, Laney, was nicknamed the Big Enchilada. I laughed, felt happy for my friends and their new family member, and went about my week.

Then, today on the way to work I heard the morning show people on the radio talking about the Big Enchilada. I flipped channels and found two other morning shows talking about the big baby. Some people were calling in and being mean... but they didn't know what they were talking about. When I got to work, I looked on and here's what I found. Laney is famous!

I really got a kick out of the article and the two video clips. My friends Robin and Paul have unusually large babies... and Laney Buzzell is getting her 15 minutes of fame a little early. Congratulations to the Buzzell family. (and just for the record, I tried to call the radio station to defend you, but I couldn't get through)

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