Friday, June 03, 2005


Well, I did it. I left work this morning and had a phone interview on my cell phone in the car. The reception was great and I think the interview actually went well. The people on the call (there were three) were all incredibly nice and relatively enthusiastic about my resume and skills. (I just wrote "skills" and now images of Napoleon Dynamite are flashing in my mind.)

So, I don't know what will come of the phone call interview, but I am relieved not to have to be nervous about it anymore. I'm also relieved it's the weekend. We're meeting some friends for diem sum tonight and I can't wait. Also, the weekend gives me a reprieve from stressing about telling my boss about the move. If I can just put it off a few more weeks, it would be wonderful.

So, my blog friend Jodi has tagged me with a blog meme -- whatever that is... and I will surrender. Here goes:

The Trio Meme

Three screen-names I have had are:
Maybe I am lame, but I don't think I have ever had any other screen-names

Three things I like about myself are:
the way I care about my friends and family
my smile
my sense of humor

Three things I do not like about myself are:
I am the world's most skilled procrastinator.
Sometimes I am lazy even when I don't really want to be lazy
I am never satisfied with my weight.

Three things that scare me are:
Money and the possibility of running out of it.
The Republican Party
The thought of losing someone I care about.

Three of my everyday essentials are:
cell phone
my Nalgene bottle full of water

Three things I am wearing right now are:
black strappy sandals
diamond earrings my husband gave me when I graduated from grad school
a silver ring my little brother made me in high school

Three of my favorite songs are:
The Best is Yet To Come -- Frank Sinatra
Love and Luck- Jimmy Buffett
The Best of What's Around -- Dave Matthews Band

Three new things I'd like to try in the next 12 months are:
Get a kick-ass high-paying job in D.C.
Take a hot air balloon ride
Get a spray tan.

Three things I want in a relationship are:

Two truths and a lie are:
I was named in a criminal complaint for robbing my own house.
I had my photo taken with Cindy Crawford.
I have never eaten octopus.

Three things I cannot do without are:
My iPod
Friends and Family

Three places I'd like to go on vacation are:

Three kids' names are:
Riley (for a boy or a girl)
Sophia or Sophi
Rae (for a girl)

Three things I want to do before I die are:
Write a bestseller
Make a difference
Travel around the world

Three celebrity crushes I have had are:
John Cusak

Dave Matthews
Hugh Grant (it's the accent)

Three people I nominate to complete this exercise are:

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