Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Great Minds

The other day I told someone about moving to Washington D.C. next November and whoever it was said, "There are a lot of great minds in Washington D.C." And now I have this image in my head of a bunch of wise brains sitting around in cigar bars without their bodies. I realize this is completely bizarre, but that's the image I have. Instead of thinking of something obvious like the Washington Monument, or the Capitol building, I think of brains smoking cigars. Lovely. I wish I could remember who said that to me so I could properly thank them.


Last night I wrote six letters. Not e-mails, but handwritten letters. This is something I used to do all the time, but now I am out of practice. It seems that if I am not in front of a keyboard, I have trouble composing sentences. The pen in the hand just doesn't do it for me like it used to. I probably have about 20 journals that I wrote between 4th grate and the end of high school, but when I got to college, the writing by hand dropped off and I poured my heart out in e-mails to friends. Now, I have this blog and e-mails and everything I write for work is typed. I love technology, but it is a little bit sad that it's robbed me of the simplicity of pen and paper. I'm going to try to write letters more often in the hopes that I will be able to get that skill back.


I am not the world's biggest sports fan. I like sports. Basketball is one of the few that I can actually watch on TV, but ask me to name teams and players and forget it. Since March Madness is beginning, I have been sucked into participating in two bracket competitions. One is for some money and I had to pay $10 to be a part of it, the other is at work and administered by my boss who plans to give the winner a day off! I love money, but I'm really hoping to win the day off. Perhaps my complete lack of statistical knowledge or season history will help me?

I wonder how many people across the country participate in this kind of gambling.


Based on the results of this year's taxes, I should become a republican. (But don't worry, I'd have to be completely insane to do that.) Today, I feel like a grownup because I'm totally bummed about money. The biggest benefit of childhood is blissful ignorance about money in particular.

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