Thursday, May 13, 2004

One of Those Days

Last night at 2:48 a.m. someone called Neil's cell phone. I didn't actually hear it ring, but I remember looking at the clock and hearing the dogs move around in their bed and wondering what was going on. For the rest of the night, I had restless sleep. I was worried that something else was going to wake me up, and thus, couldn't fall asleep.

At 7, my alarm went off and then I began the frenzy of taking dogs outside, hugging Neil, getting showered and dressed.... Right before I left, Barbie threw up outside which made me feel worried because this is the second time this week she's been sick in the morning. Ugh. I left with no breakfast and raced to work.

Then to top off the morning of calamity, Neil just called to tell me his sister was mugged last night at knifepoint which is absolutely terrifying and I really really really hope she's ok. Should I call her?

Aside from all the chaos, I'm still in a pretty good mood, the reason for which is beyond me...

Last night I watched the last ten minutes of American Idol (America clearly has hearing problems because they voted off the wrong girl, AGAIN) and the last 15 minutes of the Bachelor (such a spectacle...where do they find these girls???) and now I feel like I need to go read some Foucault to mend my brain cells... But maybe getting to work will help in that department...

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