Monday, May 17, 2004

Monday Again

How did it become Monday again so quickly? Do you ever want to push the pause button? I think I saw an after school special once about a girl who could slow time and walk around in the world while everyone else was frozen in place. In order to accomplish everything I want to, I would like to have that talent. Maybe it would come in a locket or a super high-tech car stereo and when I pressed mute everyone else would slow down...

The Weekend

Sort of a quiet weekend. Neil was gone on Saturday and I took the dogs to a groomer who shaved too much fur off their butts so now they look a tad funny. Grr.

Sunday, Neil and I decided we wanted to do lots of things together before he had to go to work, so we woke up relatively early and went to brunch at Copelands, my formerly new favorite restaurant. They have a jazz brunch and we wanted to try it... but we got there too early for the jazz. My eggs benedict was delicious and Neil's french toast was good except that they didn't have any maple syrup and expected him to eat it with strawberry syrup which he hates. (totally bizarre to serve french toast with no syrup in the entire restaurant right?) But then we got in the car to go home and found ourselves utterly exhausted. We went home, let the dogs outside and then put them in bed with us and proceeded to nap until about 10 minutes before 2 when Neil jumped out of bed and went to work. We were utterly powerless and had to surrender to sleep. We have decided that there were sleeping pills in the food and that we will refrain from brunching there again. It's back to Sunday morning smoothies for us.

Lesson: Beware of making plans for Sunday after brunch.

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