Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Neil's best friend and his wife had a baby this week. (on Monday night, I think) Neil's friend is the crazy type. In fact, my friends and I nicknamed him The Naked Sleeper, which we later learned was a misnomer, but still, it typifies him. He's a really wonderful person, just always a bit further to the wild side than most. Throughout the pregnancy, he has been calling Neil and blurting out bizarre baby facts. Usually they are along the lines of "Do you know they poop about 10 times a day!" So, I was a little concerned. But, Neil talked to him today and he said that having the baby is amazing. He held her for the first five minutes before his wife woke up (c-section) and the baby grabbed his finger and he said it was the coolest thing. I am really happy that he's so happy and I'm really excited for the Naked Sleeper, his wonderful wife and his new baby. I can't wait to meet her.

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