Friday, April 16, 2004


I am so tired. I have literally been nodding off at my desk this morning which never happens to me anymore. I feel like I'm in my college sociology class. The one that was right after lunch... Augh...

It's Friday and it's super-sunny outside and I'm wearing sandals and I really really want to get up, go to my car, and head home.


Now that I have dogs to walk after work, I have a reason to explore my neighborhood. Last night, I got home a little late and the sun was already beginning to set, but I took the dogs out to walk anyway. We walked on the edge of the neighborhood until we got to our subdivision park (built on the land under the power lines because nobody would want to live there). At the park, we turned onto the dirt path along the grass and started walking and then, the dogs discovered the grass. Barbie started sniffing and snorting and Wiley followed suit and then something magic happened. They both got really playful and started running... We sprinted back and forth and back and forth together. It was hilarious and I actually got a little exercise.

On our way home from the park, we cut through the neighborhood and came across a police officer pulling into his driveway. When we got to his car, he was getting out so I said hello... and he started up a conversation about the dogs and the neighborhood and how he doesn't know his neighbors and on and on. He was really nice and his name is Renee. So now I know about three people in the neighborhood, which is not great, but it's better than it was when I knew only one This getting out with the dogs is going to be good in more ways than one.

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