Thursday, April 08, 2004


Am I ready to be responsible for a dog? I think I am. I long for the companionship. I can't wait to take my dog or dogs for walks with Neil in our neighborhood. I want to take them to Petsmart on the weekends and I want them to curl up with me when I watch TV at night. I can go home at lunch every day to let them out and play with them. (I'll save money and calories that way, too.) I envision taking them with us when we go to Santa Fe to visit my parents. My mom will love them. I even want to take them on vacation with us. I want to make them feel loved and happy.

But will I be good enough to care for them? I think this doubt occurs anytime I up my responsibility. I felt it when I took Boo Boo home in a cardboard box and I am sure I will feel it if and when I decide to become a parent. Oh boy, I can't wait for nine months of self-doubt.

The more I think about it, I think the only thing making me wonder if Neil and I should drive to Denver and adopt the two dogs waiting for us there is concern about myself and my ability to be a good "parent" to them. I know they have some issues (didn't get much love from people for their first five years of life), but I am certain that Neil and I can help them get used to people and feel secure. I know we have a lot to offer and I also know that if we were able to train a bunny to use a litter box and not be scared of people, we will be able to help these dogs overcome any issues. I think they will probably create some stress at first as we adjust to them and they adjust to us, but eventually, they're bound to make us happy and become family members.

Ahh... is getting a pet always such a big deal? If it isn't, I think it probably should be.