Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Wireless Wonderfulness

My new laptop arrived on Monday. For at least a year, maybe two, I have been obsessing over owning a laptop. My wish list (which is an actual list written in a notebook) has had. "laptop, ipod (40G) and front-loading washing machine" on it for a long long time. Now I have two out of three! And really, if we are going to be moving in a year, it doesn't make a ton of sense to get a new washing machine yet.

Anyways, the laptop is awesome and wonderful. It's small and speedy and I already have all of my important files and programs on it. It can play and record CD's and DVD's. It has plenty of ports and hard drive storage has wireless internet. We don't have wireless internet or high speed internet at our house, but somebody nearby does and I can choose between two networks when signing on to my computer at home.

I discovered this fact Monday night while installing software and transfering files. Yes, I realize that this is not a good thing to take advantage of. Whoever administrates those networks can see if I am on them and they can look at things on my computer and they could also get really mad. Oh, and there is probably something illegal about it too. So it's not a long-term solution, but it's awesome for the time being. It's the speediest internet access I've ever had in my own home. Now I am asking myself how on earth I went so long with only a dial-up connection. But I am taking steps to get back to my old cutting-edge self.

Now we need a flat-screen high-resolution TV, Tivo, some new stereo equipment that is hooked up to the TV, a Blackberry for Neil, perhaps some satellite radio...

As much fun as all of this stuff is, and as thrilled as I am to have a laptop and an iPod, I also find myself wishing I didn't always wind up wanting things the way I do. I am materialistic. I wish I weren't, but I don't really see how it is practical not to be. You can't live in this society and then denounce consumerism and commercialism. If I were living off the land in the mountains someplace, then of course I would not need the clothes from Banana Republic or the iPod, or even that washing machine. I also wouldn't need to be entertained. I wouldn't go to movies, I wouldn't be compelled to own DVD's and so on. But, I do live here and I want to enjoy myself. Maybe it's a balance....a balance between having these things and letting these things fulfill you emotionally and spiritually. While I do indulge in retail therapy on occasion, I don't confuse satisfying my materialistic whims with fulfilling my soul. So, at least I have that going for me.

I got this note from the Universe the other day and really liked it. Maybe now I understand why?

Simply put, Jodi, the reason there are things you want, that have not yet appeared in your life, is because you're just not used to thinking of yourself with them. Sorry, kind of wish it was more complicated. Just keep practicing.

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