Saturday, February 17, 2007


This has not been the best week. It began with a very cranky Monday. For no apparent reason, I felt like the world was coming to an end all day Monday. Then, at around 7 p.m. I discovered the reason for all crankiness as I slipped on the wet escalator in the Metro and proceeded to fall down about five stairs, dropping my groceries and, more importantly, pulling my shoulder out of the socket and smashing my shin into an escalator step (I have the lined bruise to prove it.) What followed for the rest of the week were trips to doctors and MRI specialists. On Tuesday I get to find out what's wrong with my shoulder.

To add to my misfortune, Neil got sent to Utah for work the night I fell and then, his grandmother got very sick and he flew to Portland to be with her. She died last night and in spite of three hours on the phone to airlines and on the internet with bargain airfare sites, I couldn't find a ticket under $1,500 and even those wouldn't get me to Oregon in time for the funeral. And so, here I sit, on a Friday night, with a wounded shoulder and a grieving husband and husband's family who are all on the other side of the country.


It has been a rough week, but I am finally feeling a little bit at peace with all of it. As today wound to a close, I felt this great sense of relief. Part of it is probably because Neil is coming home soon and his grandma is in a better place and didn't suffer long and my shoulder hurts a little less, but I think the main part of it was that the week was ending. Funny that an artifical construct like a week can so completely form my frame of reference that the end of a week makes me feel like I have a fresh start, a new beginning. But so it is...So here's to new beginnings and to a much improved set of seven days...starting now...


Anonymous said...

I think it's been one of those weeks for everybody. Mercury is, apparently, in retrograde and that is never a good thing.

So sorry about Neil's grandmother and your loss and your shoulder! Youch. I hope it isn't too terribly serious and you'll be well soon.

nancy said...

I'm so sorry about Neil's grandma, and your escalator disaster of a week. *HUGS*