Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Last week, my dad got tickets to the Ani Difranco concert in Santa Fe. And on Sunday, I attended the concert with my parents and little brother... Going to a concert of a bi-sexual folk singer may not seem like the conventional family bonding activity... and I'm sure it's not... but for some reason, it worked for us. My parents went early and got in line, my brother showed up late, but the concert started late, so it worked out. Other than some issues with people smoking, and a terrible opening act, the evening was fun. I loved the concert, but wished she'd played longer than an hour and 15 minutes... I think my parents liked it and I still have no clue what Dustin thought... After a summer when I thought about going to lots of different concerts and was disappointed by one concert (Los Lonely Boys at the Albuquerque Zoo), it was a joy to rediscover the magic of live music.

Another Kind of Ticket

But then.... I had to drive home to Albuquerque in the middle of the night and Neil had just gotten home from Boston and I couldn't wait to see him and to get to bed and on my way the worst thing happened... I got a stain on my once spotless driving record. I can no longer say that I've never been pulled over for speeding. I can no longer say I've never had a ticket... I went almost 11 years without ever being pulled over; except for once in Utah because of a broken tail light...(I got a warning.)

I would describe the evil way in which the officer pulled me over (basically he tailgated me and made me think that an evil person was trying to run me off the road and kill me and then he turned his siren on)but I really don't want to talk about it...

I've been told that I'm being idiotically sensitive about this whole thing...but I don't care. I'm upset. I didn't want that ticket. I may have been speeding a bit (the cop alleges I was going 89 in a 75) but I still contend that I didn't deserve the ticket. I only went that fast for a couple minutes.. then I caught myself and everyone else on that highway was going faster than me.

Getting caught sucks. Basically, I went too long without a ticket... and now that my perfect record is ruined, I'm devastated... It's like the old woman who never had a cavity on the day she finally gets one... It sucks.

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