Monday, August 30, 2004

Because I Am Too Lazy To Type It All Out Again

Jodi says:
so i got woken up before 6 by the fire alarm beeping for low battery
and we just changed the battery last week
and neil's gone
and it was the alarm at the top of our living room ceiling...(very high)

Britten says:
what did you do?
call your landlord? hee hee.

Jodi says:
and the dogs were shaking and whining... sensitive ears..

Jodi says:
yeah... i actually did and they were no help...
but i got the ladder out of the garage (heavy dirty icky)

Britten says:
did you get a ladder?

Britten says:
oh -- yeah.

Jodi says:
and took the battery out

Britten says:

Jodi says:
and it kept beeping

Britten says:

Britten says:

Jodi says:
and we didn't have any more batteries
and i was late for a staff meeting

Britten says:
oh my.
sounds like a not-so-fun morning.

Jodi says:
so i got the dogs, put them in their crate and put the crate in the closet and shut all three doors between the closet and the living room

Jodi says:
and shut boo boo's room

Britten says:
poor boo boo!

Jodi says:
and then went to work... and after my lunch meeting i went home and got the ladder out AGAIN

Britten says:
oh my

Jodi says:
and put a new battery in that i bought on my way home (even thought the previous battery had been new too)

Britten says:

Jodi says:
so, please cross your fingers that it stops and I don't have to collect my pets and move to a hotel.

Britten says:
My fingers are crossed.

Jodi says:
oh, and because of all the chaos, i forgot to wear my wedding ring for the first time in two years!

Britten says:

Jodi says:
and my watch and earrings
and i felt naked
and i didn't eat breakfast either

Jodi says:
it sucked SOOO much.

Britten says:
my goodness.

Jodi says:
i can't wait to start over tomorrow morning.

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