Monday, June 07, 2004

It's Hot

On Saturday, we went to visit my family in Santa Fe. We took the dogs and hung out at my parents' house for a BBQ lunch. My brother is home for the summer and he and my dad are home alone while my mom visits family in Michigan. Lunch was good. My dad bought special salmon that you can only get three weeks a year from some famous river I've never heard of and it was delicious. We all sat and talked in the backyard for a while after lunch while my brother tried to get a screen door to fit on the outside door to his bedroom. Sawdust was flying all over the patio in the wind and Buffy, the Labrador retriever, tried to eat it. My dogs kept barking at Buffy and nipping at him. It was one big happy gathering. But then we went inside. First Dustin was on one couch, then Neil was on another and my dad was in the recliner and I found myself splayed out on the floor, resting on a big turtle pillow, flanked by two little dogs. It must have been 2:30. The next thing we knew it, it was 5.

There is something inherently unsatisfying by a heat-induced nap and I think it's that when you wake up it's no cooler than it was before you fell asleep. However, the nap was not without its merits. There is something very cool about napping with company. Whether it's just me and Neil napping or whether it's a group nap like we had on Saturday...even though everyone was sleeping, when we woke up it felt as though we had shared something. We were all guilty of mid-afternoon laziness. It was much more satisfying than waking up from a nap alone and feeling like you are the only one who slept the day away. Group napping alleviates the guilt of the nap. It normalizes it. Napping in groups makes napping ok.

Clearly I have given this a bit too much thought...

It's going to be a hot summer and I foresee more naps in my future -- hopefully, when I nap, I will have company.

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