Thursday, June 03, 2004

The Backyard

Last night, I spent a lovely two hours in the backyard. It was just me and my two dogs taking in the sunset and early twilight. I sat in the lounge chair and noticed the temperature change from hot to warm. When the crickets started chirping, Wiley and Barbie went hunting for them, but gave up quickly when their noses hit the rock wall that the bugs must have been hiding beneath.

I chatted on the phone with several different friends and even conversed briefly with my dad. I read the mail, mostly junk. And saw the moon come up above my house full and bright.

Two hours passed.

Then I saw Neil through the sliding glass door. He opened the door for me and I FINALLY got to go inside.

Yep, that's right, my backyard adventure was more along the lines of backyard exile. Brilliant Jodi locked herself and the dogs out of the house. I had a key to the mailbox, the back gate, my grandma's house, my parents' house and my office. But I was mysteriously missing my house key, my garage door key and my car key.

It had been a while since I'd spent so much time just existing outside. I have been walking and bike riding, but not just sitting. While, I was thoroughly annoyed at my stupidity and desperately wanted to get indoors, I also enjoyed my time outdoors. I watered the trees, smelled their flowers and actually relaxed since there was nothing else I could do.

Errand for the weekend: Invest in a spare key. Find a good hiding spot.

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