Tuesday, June 08, 2004


Ronald Reagan died last weekend. Despite being an avid Democrat, I used to love Ronald Reagan. I had Reagan stickers when I was little and I idolized him. Perhaps it had something to do with my being so young that I had not yet developed a political consciousness. I just knew that you were supposed to look up to the president -- and he had a nice face and kind manner.

Because of my childhood adoration, I am unable to judge his presidency without bias. But whether he was good or bad or someplace in between, it is sad that he is gone.

Worse news came last night when I learned that a family friend killed herself over the weekend. To the younger and less self-assured person (me), Rebecca seemed to have it all. She worked as a writer for a magazine, had dated a member of the Chicago cubs, was skinny, beautiful, funny, fun to be around, kind, had an amazing family, lit up the room when she walked in...I wish she could have seen herself the way I saw her. I wish she was still alive. I hope her family finds strength to get through this. I wish there was something I could say, but as is sometimes the case, words fail.

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