Monday, January 05, 2004

New Years Eve

This was the first year since 2000 that New Years was better than I expected it to be. Granted, I wasn't really expecting much, but it was truly terrific. I went to dinner at my favorite Thai restaurant with Topher, Lotus, Rebecca, Sarah and Chris (yumm) then we all went to my house where we were joined by Nancy and Justin and at 10:30, after we had finished watching him on TV, Neil came home. I got sufficiently drunk...but I think Chris and Topher and even Neil were all a bit more drunk than I was. We played trivial pursuit, drank wine and champagne and ate brie and fresh-baked rolls from a bakery. Topher and Chris taught Neil how to do "the butt", a classy dance that consists of wagging your butt around in the air in unison with the other people performing "the butt". Topher and I were the dream team in trivial pursuit and got three wedges on our first turn, but then we both got a bit too drunk to repeat our stunning success on any of our subsequent turns. Oh well...

Overall, it was really wonderful to have a house filled with friends and to laugh and just to feel warm and connected...surrounded...part of something larger than myself. What a good way to begin my anticipated new beginning that is 2004.