Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Catching Up

*New Orleans was awesome. Not only is the city below sea level/filled with fascinating history/more like a European city than an American one/populated by the most friendly and polite people on the planet, but, the seven of us had an amazing time there. We went on a haunted history tour while drinking Hurricanes (New Orleans like Las Vegas has no open container laws). We saw the Real World house, toured the garden district, ate at an amazing place called Mother's, saw awesome jazz at a club, walked around on Bourbon Street (truly terrifying) and had a really good time being girls at our hotel.

I could have stayed for another week exploring and having girl time, but the weekend was really refreshing. Perhaps the best part... nobody puked. Thanks Clea, Britten, Walker, Zandra, Nancy and Rachel for a teriffic time. Can't wait for Rachel's wedding in June!

* The Iowa Caucuses were a different story. I began to suspect that things night might not go well for my candidate (Howard Dean) about a week before the caucus... It was at that point that I decided not to watch. I was going to just read the paper in the morning and spare myself the agony of early predictions and political pundits. But, Neil had the night off and wanted to have a caucus party. So, I caved. Like I really would have been able to sit around watching American Idol without flipping back and forth to CNN and CSPAN, anyway. So we had a party and invited all of our political-minded friends which meant we ended up with two guests, Nancy and Colleen (another reporter at Neil's station). We drank a bottle of wine and we all faced the fact that we're humongous political junkies/nerds.

Howard Dean's third place finish was disappointing, but I was bracing myself for it. I was not, however prepared for his speech. The growling yell he burst into was unexpected, but didn't seem terrible to me... it just seemed like he was trying to be upbeat for his room full of supporters, but the media has lambasted him. I'm ashamed to admit that I even laughed at the Leno monologue last night when he said something about Dean's aids having to shoot him with tranquilizers to end his speech. But enough already. Give the guy a break. People are actually saying his candidacy is over not because of his third place finish but because of his speech. I think it's appalling that the media has the power to make such pronouncements. I've seen more editorializing on the news in recent weeks than ever before...

*Last night's State of the Union address made me nauseous. Bush's pie in the sky plans without funding were transparent. The highlights: eye-rolling by various democrats including Hillary Clinton, the clapping after Bush said that part of the Patriot Act will expire next year, my secret hope that most Americans realized what a load of crap the president was delivering.

*Neat fact: Did you know that John Edwards (despite looking like a 35-year-old) is actually 50!!!!!!!!

*Declaration: I need a break from politics.

*New Years Resolution Updates:
-I have read almost two books... which makes me a little behind, but well on my way to the goal of 52 books by 2005.
-I have been going to the gym at least three times a week since late Nov. (I started early so that I wasn't one of those January gym people because those people a) never make it to the gym past the first of Feb. b) always seem so desperate and c) are really annoying to the regulars.)
- I have taken copious notes when I've felt inspired to write but haven't had the time so that when I have the time, I will also have the inspiration. (we'll see if this new method works)

*Mid-January Resolution: I will update my blog more often.