Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What if...?

I have been thinking...If I just took a bunch of candy from the lame vending box that some clever entrepreneur installed in the kitchen at my office and I didn't pay for it, would the vending box man eventually take it away? I realize that this would be stealing, but I figure the man has it coming. He planted this box full of candy and salty goodness at my office, formerly a completely healthy place with only coffee and half and half. Now I am addicted to the late afternoon sugar rush and it's all his fault.

All my coworkers were less than thrilled about the box when it arrived, but now on refill days I see people sneak off to grab their favorites and stash them in their desk drawers until needed. We're all addicted. It's like crack, only it makes us fat and its legal.

Something must be done...

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