Thursday, January 27, 2005

Rainy Day

I really don't like rainy days. I think it's probably due to the fact that I grew up in a sunny climate ...or maybe it has something to do with genetics, since I know my dad doesn't like them either... but my mom loves rainy days...who knows? Whatever the reason, when I wake up to grey skies and drizzly weather, I always feel like I should just go back to bed. Most days like this, I make a big effort to rally. After all, I have things to do, a life to live, I can't let the lack of sunshine stop me in my tracks.

So, this morning, I crawled out of bed only about 8 minutes later than usual and I got ready for the day, despite the rain that was falling steadily on my roof. Having dogs has made rainy days even more complicated than they used to be. Barbie and Wiley are prissy. They don't like water to fall on their heads from the sky and refuse to go outside when it's raining. This presents a problem when they have to use the restroom... since, the restroom is outside. Neil and I have taken to following the dogs around the backyard with umbrellas when it's raining in order to prevent accidents on our carpet. Not fun. So this morning, we were both traipsing around the wet yard with Barbie and I (of course) stepped in poop. Soggy wet poop, thanks a lot rain. After cleaning my boot off, I left for work.

The dog debacle caused me to leave late. Then our neighborhood is blocked off because of construction and we're forced to take a detour out which adds about 8 minutes to the commute. I went through the detour and ended up in a mess of traffic. It normally takes me only 14 minutes to get to work from my house. Today, it took 56 minutes because people in New Mexico have no clue how to drive when the roads are wet. Oh the wonders of rain.

For lunch, I had to go home to let the dogs out... but despite my valiant efforts with the umbrella, they weren't having any of it and I had to put them back in their crate without a successful bathroom break. Now, I get to look forward to going home tonight to find pee on their crate blanket.

Now, I am back at my desk, it's almost 6 and wel past time to go home and I am so cranky! At least I am willing to own my crankiness. I just hope for my sake, and the sake of everyone around me, that tomorrow is sunny and dry.

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