Friday, December 05, 2003

Ever since I started my job last March, I have had a major problem being warm in my office. In the winter, no amount of heat seems to warm up my small square room. In the summer, I have to tape the air conditioning vent closed with masking tape and wear sweaters. I complained a little bit about this situation, but nobody ever said anything. I run a small space heater in my office every day and by 2 or 3 it approaches warm in here.

About a month ago, I was complaining about the icebox that I work in and one of the people I work with said something like, "That makes sense. Your office doesn't have any insulation."

Ah ha.

Nice of them to let me in on that little secret a full NINE months after I began working here. I need to find a way to de-dilbertify my life. Meanwhile, my fingers are freezing.

A co-worker just walked into my frigid lair carrying two bags of chocolate. One bag of Dove squares and one bag of Butterfinger Christmas bells. Of course, I helped myself to two of each. I say bring on the holiday bulge. Or as my Dove fortune (or do they call them promises) on the inside of the wrapper says "Add a little sweetness to your day"

My impartial journalist husband has invited over the president of the city council and his wife and kids for dinner tonight. Should be fun. Neil is a big fan of this family so I will probably like them too. (I am really mostly kidding about the impartiality part)