Wednesday, July 24, 2002

I didn't get out of bed until 11:21. This is a completely despicable act from my point of view. There was no way I needed nearly 11 hours of sleep last night. But I didn't set an alarm and so had no clue that I was sleeping through the morning. Lately, Neil and I have been waking up early and going to the gym and then coming home and having time to do things. When I wake up early I rarely feel pressured or guilty. Right now I feel guilty and stressed because not enough of my writing is done and I don't feel like writing but I only have about five hours until the day is over and I did this to myself... What a waste of a Wednesday.

Last night Neil and I went to our third dance lesson where we danced the fox trot to several versions of the song we will play for our first dance and then we danced swing to Michael Jackson. As I was repeating "slow slow quick quick" in my head, I couldn't help but think about Jackson and how completely insane he is... But when we dance, I always have so much fun. We came home feeling exhilarated with tired legs and I don't know what could be a better feeling than that...