Monday, January 28, 2002

One day and seven hours left. I think I am going to make it. My desk is nearly completely cleaned off and I do not feel sad at all. It is actually refreshing. I would be on top of the world right now if it weren't for the fact that I have a packet due for school and it has to be in NYC on Feb 1 -- this Friday. I have been working on it and trying to make it good, but everything I write comes out stilted and just bad. It is so frustrating. Now I only have tonight, tomorrow night and all day Wednesday to make something redeeming come out of my brain and onto the page. I feel like I need to go to some spa someplace and get a spiritual deep cleaning. I am so stuck in this newspaper mindframe and everything I write comes out clipped and shallow. I have all these interesting ideas and for some reason, I am no longer capable of writing them down. Maybe I am thinking about too many things I am supposed to do in my writing... Maybe I am too concerned about impressing my professor? I don't know. I am sure that by Thursday morning, I will take something to the post office and mail it to my prof in NY. I just hope that it will have some redeeming qualities. I need inspiration.