Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Where Have I Been?

So many things to blog about.
begin with Jury Duty. On Monday, I spent five hours of my life sitting
in a crowded jurors' lounge waiting for my number (211) to be called.
It was called for two panels, which meant I got to stand up, leave my
seat in the jurors' lounge and wait in a hall outside a courtroom until
I was told that I wasn't needed. Then I got to go home. It wasmind numbing
and felt a bit like I was in jail for the day (or how I imagine jail
would be) because we couldn't leave the lounge for more than 10 minutes
and if someone did, and their number was called - trouble! They would
call the name of themiscreant over the loudspeaker VERY loudly and demand whoever it was report to the jurors' office immediately. All of this would have been fine if I hadn't been robbed of my leatherman on my way into the courthouse.

I have (had) a small pink Leatherman Squirt that I carried with me in my purse at all times. It had such dangerous tools as scissors,
tweezers, a nail file, a screwdriver and a teeny tiny knife that would
be effective at slicing a very tiny block of cheese and that's about
it. I forgot it was in my purse and put it through the scanner. The
guard said i needed to take it out, I did and said, "Oh my goodness, I
forgot to leave this at home. I'm early, so I'll take it home and come
back." To which the guard said, "Once you enter the building with it,
it's mine."

What the???

Even at the airport, they allow
you to mail that stuff to yourself. How can he justify not letting me
leave the building to take myleatherman home? At the end of the day, I
returned to the scene of the crime and tried to talk them into giving
it back to me. It was still there, shiny and pink, in a cardboard box.
They actually handed it to me (I should have sprinted out the door) and
told me to put my name on it, come back to the court on another Monday
morning and ask the chief judge to give it back. I am pissed. I took
time out of my (busy) life to be a good citizen and do my civic duty,
they stole myleatherman , stuffed me into a dirty and uncomfortable
Juror's lounge, treated me as a number and then refused to return my
stolen property.Aaaahhhhhh!