Monday, January 29, 2007

A quote

Some people of course expect
to be rewarded for stumbling
and rising from the floor
and stumbling again, but we give
no credit for living. We favor vitality
over goodness, even over effort;
we love a great belly laugh
more than anything.

-Stephen Dunn (from “The Soul’s Agents”)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Good Start

I am trying to get a good start on the year and that means blogging!
So here I am. New Years was both awesome and terrible. Terrible because I was feeling ill all of the next day, awesome, because we had a lot of fun.

And now it's 2007. Of course, it doesn't really feel all that different, it's just another day. But I like the idea of fresh starts, of the possibility to make this year whatever I want it to be... and I'm going to set out doing that.

I am sure I will have more to report soon.